Growing God’s kingdom through South Manchester and North Cheshire
Bramhall & Wythenshawe Methodist Circuit is a group of 12 churches, with a common purpose of serving God in our local communities and nurturing disciples of Jesus Christ. We aim to equip the churches with the resources that they need to be effective and passionate in their local ministry. We are stronger and more effective in serving God when we do it together.
We will seek the Holy Spirit at work in our communities, guiding our ministries, challenging our priorities and equipping us for God’s work. We will support one another by seeking to serve God as effectively as we can. We will do this by:
Focussing on worship: Enabling people to worship God in rich and diverse ways
Focussing on learning: Equipping followers of Jesus to serve God in their daily lives
Focussing on caring: Having compassion for all God’s people
Focussing on serving: Taking action for those in need and challenging injustice
Focussing on growing: Sharing God’s love and making new disciples across our communities
As a result of this, we will become a disciple-making, disciple-equipping, disciple-nurturing movement, shaped for mission.